Jeremy Roenick Has Been Inducted Into The Hockey Hall Of Fame And Nobody Deserved It More

I want you all to watch this Roenick highlight tape from the Blackhawks years. 

There's only one JR. The man is an icon. He embodies everything that is great about hockey and I wish to God that the NHL had more guys like him because the game would be infinitely more popular. There were better players, but I am not sure the league has ever had a more entertaining player. Incredible skill, big hits, fearlessness, he would fight when needed, talked mad shit, and would play with a broken face. The NHL was lucky to have that broken face as one of the faces of the game for 20 years as player and more years as a studio host on NBC. It's actually crazy to me that it took JR this long to get into the Hall of Fame given that he scored 500 goals and that is typically a ticket directly to Toronto. So congrats to JR. Well deserved. It was awesome to watch him play as a kid and cool to meet him a few times through this job. 

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